Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The measure of my sci-fi Geekiness

I was on a this forum recently, and I read this topic: Where it directed me to this website: Where I took there quis, and received a 71 Credit rating for Sci-fi Geekiness! This either proves I'm a really big Sci-fi geek, or that I'm a really good guesser! And guess what? It's the latter; I haven't even seen more than half of the movies they ask about. Still, I received this dorky badge!! I don't even know what it looks like yet, or if the code works, but here it is:

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 71 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Guess the Sci-Fi Movie Sounds hereCanon powershot

Okay, Now I've seen it; it doesn't look to dorky too me. I was rather disappointed in the test though, it made hardly any mention of Star Trek, let alone Doctor Who and Stargate, all of which are my favorite Sci-Fi shows. In fact, it put a rather large emphasis on science fiction movies made in the 60's or 80's, all of which I haven't seen (Star wars of course being the big exception in this case).

Anyhow, that's enough on that. My next post will be more fun, I promise.

(Taylor has fled the building)

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